11th meeting of the EDSC
Education Data and Statistics Commission (EDS Commission) - Paris, 27-28 February 2025
Formerly known as the Technical Cooperation Group on SDG 4 indicators (TCG), the Education Data and Statistics Commission (EDS Commission) is the primary body entrusted to take forward the recommendations of the Conference on Education Data and Statistics in-between sessions. It leads the development and implementation of the global and thematic indicator frameworks and plays a crucial role in establishing standards and developing methodologies, making recommendations on the necessary actions to improve data quality and availability.
The objectives of the 11th meeting of the EDS Commission include discussing the 2025 Comprehensive Review Process, the benchmarking process, progress in monitoring learning, literacy, school life expectancy, teachers’ indicators, model estimations for out-of-school and completion rates and out-of-school rates in protracted crises.
Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) - Paris, 25-26 February 2025
The Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) is the working group of the EDS Commission that focuses on learning data and aims at improving learning outcomes by supporting national strategies for learning assessments, and developing internationally-comparable indicators and methodological tools to measure progress towards key targets of Sustainable Development Goal 4.
The GAML 11th meeting will focus on measuring learning, mainly in early grades, updating participants on the progress including the work of the Technical Advisory Group established by the UIS to finalize the eligibility criteria for learning assessments; the proposal for a virtual fund and a vetting mechanism for assessments; and the buyer's guide aimed at promoting countries’ free and informed choice of learning assessments. The meeting will also discuss the measurement of literacy.
Meeting documents
- IAEG-SDG 2025 Comprehensive Review Process
- UNSC 56th session - Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators – Items for discussion and decision: data and indicators for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Report of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (English | French | Spanish | Arabic)
- Proposal for the replacement of SDG indicator 4.6.1
- Improvements to the implementation Of UIS hybrid approach to the use of Population data for education indicators
- School meals indicator (Metadata – Methodological note)
- ISCED Review Panel Recommendations
- Proposed decision points on ISCED Review Panel Recommendations
- SDG target 4.7 and a greening curriculum indicator methods of data collection and analysis (Metadata 4.7.3)
- Review of SDG indicator 4.a.2
- Estimation and regional comparability of indicators 4.3.1 and 4.3.3
- Household surveys and education: Chapter in ‘United Nations Handbook on Household Surveys’
- SDG indicator 4.3.3 - Participation rate in technical and vocational programmes (TVET) (15- to 24-year-olds)
- Proposed metadata for SDG indicator 4.3.3
- Introducing Multi-Sector Needs Assessments (MSNA)
- Terms of Reference of the EDSC Working Group on Teachers (English| French | Spanish | Arabic)
- Terms of reference of the EDSC Task Force on Teachers
- Dashboard: Global mapping of teachers requirement policies
Meeting presentations
- Opening session of the EDSC meeting
- 2025 Comprehensive Review Process
- SDG 4.6.2 – Measuring and Monitoring Literacy at the UIS
- Improvements to the implementation of the UIS hybrid approach to the use of population data for education indicators
- SDG4 School Meals Coverage Indicator
- ISCED Review Panel Recommendations
- Greening curriculum indicator
- UN Household Survey Handbook
- Joint modelling
- Estimating out-of-school rates (OOSR) in protracted crises: Options for improving measurement
- Progress on SDG 4.1.1a (and others)
- Proposal on revising SDG 4.c.1: Trained teachers
- Towards a global minimum qualification for teachers: A first look at the data
- SDG 4 benchmarks: an update
- LASER: National Education Statistical Capacity Assessment - Global analysis based on a maturity model
- Concept note (English )
- Agenda (English - French - Spanish)
- Photo Album
Meeting documents
- GAML/EDSC criteria for use of an assessment to report on SDG 4.1.1
- Sample guidelines for submission of information to apply the GAML/EDSC criteria to report on SDG 4.1.1
- Report on a standard- setting exercise to set the Minimum Proficiency Level for Indicator 4.1.1(a) in Mathematics using AMPL
- Technical documentation supporting exemplar early grades reading items.
- Technical documentation supporting the exemplar foundational mathematics items
- Estimating Benchmarks for Foundational Skills in Relation to Targets for SDG 4.1.1: The Case of Reading
- Benchmark setting for precursor skills in reading: a case study of Kenya
- Case studies of country-based benchmarking for precursor skills in Reading, for SDG 4.1.1a: a case study of Guatemala
- Benchmarking for precursor skills in Reading: SDG 4.1.1a South Africa case study
- Draft report on the UIS benchmarking study in Nepal
- SDG 4.1.1 Minimum Proficiency Levels: Definition and blueprint for assessment
- Analysis of context questionnaires in International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSAs) : Identifying instruments, items, and best practices for monitoring educational goals
- FLIP+ Library: Improving the quality of education worldwide through assessment sharing
- Buyer’s guide to international student assessment
- Scoping study on a vetting function and virtual fund for learning assessments.
- PAL Network’s ICAN-ICARe: Alignment with Global Reporting Criteria for SDG 4.1.1(a)
Meeting presentations
- Update on reshaping the ecosystem for learning assessments
- Summary of key points around ‘GAML/EDSC criteria for use of an assessment to report on SDG 4.1.1’
- Reporting against the UIS eligibility criteria
- Using standard setting in different large-scale assessments: An alternative to monitor SDG indicator 4.1.1
- Technical documentation supporting exemplar early grades reading items
- Benchmarking the precursor skills to Reading Comprehension
- Exemplar foundational Mathematics items
- Estimating benchmarks for precursor Reading skills using Reading Comprehension
- SDG 4.1.1 Minimum Proficiency Levels: Definition and blueprint for assessment
- Analysis of context questionnaires in International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSAs)
- FLIP+ Library: Sharing assessment tools for a better education
- A “Buyer’s Guide” for student Learning Assessments
- Scoping study on a vetting function and virtual fund for Learning Assessments
- Strengthening MICS FLS Module (FLM2.0) - UNICEF
- PAL Network's ICAN-ICARe: Global Reporting Alignment for SDG 4.1.1(a)
- GPE’s top-up trigger on learning outcomes data (4.1.1.a)
- L’évaluation des apprentissages du Programme d’analyse des systèmes éducatifs de la CONFEMEN (PASEC)
- Optimizing Regional Assessments to Advance Learning: The Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) Programme
- IEA Studies and Updates: TIMSS 2023 and LaNA Linking Study
- Monitoring learning in Latin America: The Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (ERCE)
- Assessment of Learning in the CARICOM Region
- Country experience with AMPL: Cambodia
- Country experience with AMPL: The Gambia
- Country experience with AMPL: Lesotho
- Country experience with AMPL: Pakistan
- Country experience with AMPL: Kenya
- Country experience with AMPL: Lebanon
- Assessment of Learning in the Pacific