TCG meeting

EDSC (formerly TCG) special meeting 5 in-between sessions
4 July 2024 (Virtual)

EDSC (formerly TCG) special meeting 5 in-between sessions

Formerly known as the Technical Cooperation Group on SDG 4 indicators or TCG, the Education Data and Statistics Commission (EDSC) is meeting on 4 July 2024. The objectives of the meeting are to:

  1. Update members on recent developments related to SDG 4 indicators.
  2. Discuss work plans for 2024-2026 to take forward the recommendations of the Conference on Education Data and Statistics and EDSC (formerly TCG) decisions.
  3. Update on the review of the SDG 4 global indicator framework and steps towards a review of the SDG 4 thematic indicators.
  4. Update on pending EDSC decisions.
  5. Follow up on the SDG 4 High-level Steering Committee decisions related to the Transforming Education Summit (TES).
  6. Prepare the agenda for the upcoming EDSC meeting.

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EDSC (formerly TCG) special meeting 4 in-between sessions
29 April 2024 (Virtual)

EDSC (formerly TCG) special meeting 4 in-between sessions

This is the first TCG meeting in its new composition for 2024-2026.


Please see the meeting concept note for more details.



TCG special meeting 3 in-between sessions
6 February 2024 (Paris, France)

TCG special meeting 3 in-between sessions

TCG members met in person in Paris on 6 February 2024 for an update on the TCG10 consultation, the membership rotation, and the Conference on Education Data and Statistics preparations (Paris, 7 - 9 February 2024). It was decided that the TCG will be renamed ‘Education Data and Statistics Commission’ (EDS Commission); the TCG will remain the primary body for the coordination of the global education data and statistics; and the TCG will take forward the recommendations of the UNESCO Conference on Education Data and Statistics (EDS Conference) between sessions.

      For more information, see the meeting’s concept note and presentation .

     Download the Terms of Reference of the TCG.

TCG 10 meeting
11 December 2023 (Virtual)

10th meeting of the TCG

The 10th meeting of the TCG was held virtually on 11 December 2023. It focused on the first session of the Conference on Education Data and Statistics (Paris, 7 - 9 February 2024).

The objectives of TCG 10 were to:

  • update participants on the preparations for the Conference, including nominations of delegates by Member States and side events
  • discuss the position papers and finalize them prior to the Conference
  • present the findings and conclusions of the preparatory regional meetings that helped identify regional priorities and concerns
  • discuss TCG organization, including rotation of members and define agenda forward.

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TCG 9 meeting
24 November 2022 (Virtual)

9th meeting of the TCG

The Secretariat of the Technical Cooperation Group on SDG 4 indicators invited its members to the ninth annual meeting which was held virtually on Thursday 24 November 2022 in English, with simultaneous translation to French and Spanish.

The meeting was preceded by meetings of four working groups on Tuesday 22 November 2022 (Teachers – Administrative data – Joint EMIS and Household Surveys – Finance) and the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) 9th meeting on Wednesday 23 November.

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TCG 8 meeting
02 November 2021 (Virtual)

8th meeting of the TCG

The TCG Secretariat announced the 8th Meeting of the Technical Cooperation Group on the Indicators for SDG4-Education 2030 (TCG 8).

The TCG 8 was held on 2 November 2021 and focused on:

  • Providing an update on the global, thematic and regional methodological developments to fill data gaps, including:
    • New reporting of administrative data, including expenditure
    • New developments on learning outcome indicators
    • New developments on household survey-based indicators
    • Population estimates: call for a task force;
  • Discussing regional and national engagements within the TCG working arrangements;
  • Presenting status, finalization, and next steps for SDG 4 benchmarks.

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TCG special meeting 2 in-between sessions
21 June 2021 (Virtual)

TCG special meeting 2 in-between sessions

The Secretariat of the TCG convened its Members to a meeting on 21 June 2021 to present the most recent activities and developments on the implementation of the SDG 4 Thematic Indicator Framework. TCG voting Members were asked to vote on the options proposed for the benchmark indicator on equity and regional and global aggregates for SDG indicators 4.1.1, 4.1.2, parity indices and finance indicators.

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TCG 7 meeting
27-29 October 2020 (Virtual)

7th meeting of the TCG

The year 2020 is pivotal for the international community as it introduces the decade of action towards 2030 to accelerate sustainable solutions to address the world’s multiple and biggest challenges through global, local and individual actions. During the UN Statistical Commission’s (UNSC) 51st session on 3-6 March 2020, a review of the global indicators framework for Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – established by UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) in 2017 – was conducted and adopted. This revision includes an approved set of changes to the global indicator framework as an outcome of the 2020 Comprehensive Review conducted by the UN Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs). The revised framework now includes 36 “major changes” to the framework, namely the replacement, revision, addition and deletion of some of the current indicators. The revised framework now includes a total of 231 indicators – approximately the same number of indicators as in the original global indicator framework.

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TCG special meeting 1 in-between sessions
21 April 2020 (Virtual)

TCG special meeting 1 in-between sessions

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) held a global virtual meeting, to bring together all TCG Member States and organizations and to support all in the implementation of the SDG 4 Thematic Indicator Framework as we all face the COVID-19 pandemic.


The objective of this meeting was to inform TCG Members of the latest developments and to discuss together the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting all of us, in order to see how UIS can best offer support to all and move forward as best as possible to achieve set objectives for 2020.

The virtual meeting had the following objectives:

  • Share the latest developments and agreements achieved during the 6th TCG meeting on the implementation of the SDG 4 Thematic Indicator Framework;
  • Share updates from the latest IAEG-SDG 2020 Comprehensive Revision Framework, including the latest changes to the official list of SDG 4 global indicators;
  • Learn about the main national challenges to monitor SDG 4 on different levels (national, regional, thematic, global) to inform and improve the work of the UIS and the TCG addressing and working with countries in the current COVID-19 pandemic;
  • Obtain feedback from the TCG on specific topics related to the implementation and monitoring of the SDG 4; and
  • Support the coordinating role of the regional country representatives to the TCG.


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TCG 6 meeting
29-30 August 2019 (Yerevan, Armenia)

6th meeting of the TCG

The sixth TCG meeting focused specifically on:

  • To ENDORSE the methodological developments and APPROVE the list of indicators to be published in 2020;
  • To REVIEW and FINALIZE the list of thematic indicators;
  • Advancing the discussion on potential new indicators, to APPROVE methodological work in the relevant area;
  • To DISCUSS countries experiences in producing, reporting and validate data and UPDATE, if necessary, the SDG data validation process;
  • To identify at least three indicators to develop milestones on benchmarking and approve the process;
  • To IDENTIFY areas for improvement in data production and funding


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TCG 5 meeting
15-16 November 2018 (Mexico city, Mexico)

5th meeting of the TCG

The Fifth TCG meeting focused specifically on:

  • Considering necessary modifications, and discussing alternative methodologies to fill gaps in coverage, to ENDORSE methodological developments and APPROVE the list of indicators to be published in 2019.
  • Advancing the discussion on potential new indicators, to APPROVE a preliminary list of these indicators to be included in the 2020 revision.
  • Presenting and discussing the SDG data validation process, to ACHIEVE ENDORSEMENT of the process by the Member States.
  • To DEVELOP recommendations on benchmarking processes.
  • To AGREE on key messages to the international community about challenges and needs of Member States in producing SDG 4 indicators.

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TCG 4 meeting
17-18 January 2018 (Dubai, UAE)

4th meeting of the TCG

The Fourth TCG meeting focused specifically on:

  • Review and ratify the TCG work plans for 2018;
  • Approve the report on benchmarking recommendations for indicators;
  • Discuss and update the list of indicators to be reported in 2018 and overall indicators’ periodicity recommendations;
  • Advance the discussion on potential new indicators to be included in the 2018 revision with the approval of a preliminary list;
  • Endorse the report requested by the SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee on the status of development and availability of SDG 4 indicators;
  • Approve the TCG rotation mechanism and broader governance proposal.

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TCG 3 meeting
31 May - 2 June 2017 (Montreal, Canada)

3rd meeting of the TCG

The third TCG meeting focussed specifically on:

  • Update members on developments since the second TCG meeting;
  • Discuss and agree on the work plans, critical milestones and deliverables of three TCG working group and for the TCG for 2017-2018;
  • Share national and regional initiatives in the implementation of SDG 4 follow-up and review; and
  • Inform participants on CapED, a project aimed at developing the statistical capacity of 10 participating countries to monitor and report on SDG4.

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TCG 2 meeting
26-28 October 2016 (Madrid, Spain)

2nd meeting of the TCG

The second TCG meeting has the following purposes, to:

  • Discuss and agree the list of thematic indicators to be recommended by the TCG for the adoption by the SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee;
  • Update participants on the implementation process regarding the SDG global indicators led by the Inter‐Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators;
  • Clarify the Data Governance Structure for SDG 4; and
  • Identify the steps needed to operationalise the thematic indicators and establish working groups.

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TCG 1 meeting
12-13 May 2016 (Washington)

1st meeting of the TCG

This meeting focused on three critical areas: the context and processes for global and thematic monitoring; modifying the thematic indicator framework based on the revised IAEG-SDGs global indicator proposal; and establishing priorities needed further development and next steps.

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