Survey to Monitoring Impact on Main Education Data Aggregates (MIMEA)

The COVID-19 crisis has brought to the forefront the need to focus on learning equity and inclusion. The most challenging issue in education under the current crisis is to ensure that equity in access and learning are not set back. Given the nature of the crisis, all countries need to lend support to the most vulnerable children to keep them from being further marginalized and ensure they remain engaged in learning. Equity and inclusion in learning needs to continue being a key objective in crisis management.

In these circumstances, the main objective of the Survey to Monitoring the Main Education Aggregates (MIMEA) is to collect up-to-date information on the most essential education variables for immediate use, and to monitor the structural changes that may remain after the COVID-19 pandemic. This will produce data to support policy decisions, education planning and programming attending to the new forms of schooling, teaching and learning which have emerged as a result of the pandemic.

Concept note

Find out more details in the concept note.
English - French - Spanish


On 1 February, the UIS hosted a webinar on the 3rd survey iteration, Launch of the Survey on National Education Responses to COVID-19 and of the Survey to Monitoring Impact on Main Education Data Aggregates (MIMEA).

Concept NoteEnglishFrançais Español

Video: English, French, Spanish* * Solo audio. Tenga en cuenta que la interpretación en español comienza en el minuto 1:16.


Fill in the survey

This 1st data collection started on 1 February 2021 and will last until 31 March 2021. The survey questionnaire is available for completion online here in English, French, and Spanish. The questionnaire is also available for download, to fill in, and return to

Survey of COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on National Education Planning Units

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) conducted the Survey of COVID-19 pandemic impacts on national education planning units, between 15 July and 1 October 2020. The survey covers a variety of topics to capture the latest impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the operation of education statistics planning units, their responses, and their needs for financial and technical support.

The survey data covers 129 countries across 9 regions of the world: 2 countries from Northern Africa, 34 countries from sub-Saharan Africa, 10 countries from Central and Southern Asia, 11 countries from Eastern and South-eastern Asia, 13 countries from Western Asia, 15 countries from Europe, 32 countries from Latin America and the Caribbean, 1 country from North America and 11 countries from Oceania. In terms of income dispersion of the sample, 24.8% are from high income countries, 30.4% are from upper-middle income countries, 28.8% are from lower-middle income countries and 16% are from low income countries.


In light of disruptive challenges due to the progression of the pandemic, the survey has been conducted and collected by education statistics planning units to ensure that the latest impact and responses are captured.


Presentation (PPT)

Key findings

For any queries concerning the survey, please contact: