1st Meeting, Washington DC, USA
- This meeting focused on three critical areas:
- the context and processes for global and thematic monitoring;
- modifying the thematic indicator framework based on the revised IAEG-SDGs global indicator proposal; and
- establishing priorities needed further development and next steps.
2nd Meeting, Madrid Spain
- Discuss and agree the list of thematic indicators to be recommended by the TCG for the adoption by the SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee;
- Update participants on the implementation process regarding the SDG global indicators led by the Inter‐Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators;
- Clarify the Data Governance Structure for SDG 4; and
- Identify the steps needed to operationalise the thematic indicators and establish working groups.
- Establishment of 3 working groups (indicator development, capacity-building, country reporting) and GAML
- Consultations on:
- Thematic education indicators (launched on 22 August 2016)
- Placeholders (temporary replacement indicators) for selected global and thematic education indicators (launched on 14 November 2016)
2017 Progress Report
3rd Meeting, Montreal, Canada
- Update members on developments since the second TCG meeting;
- Discuss and agree on the work plans, critical milestones and deliverables of three TCG working group and for the TCG for 2017-2018;
- Share national and regional initiatives in the implementation of SDG 4 follow-up and review; and
- Inform participants on CapED, a project aimed at developing the statistical capacity of 10 participating countries to monitor and report on SDG 4
4th Meeting, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Review and ratify the TCG work plans for 2018;
- Approve the report on benchmarking recommendations for indicators;
- Discuss and update the list of indicators to be reported in 2018 and overall indicators’ periodicity recommendations;
- Advance the discussion on potential new indicators to be included in the 2018 revision with the approval of a preliminary list;
- Endorse the report requested by the SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee on the status of development and availability of SDG 4 indicators;
- Approve the TCG rotation mechanism and broader governance proposal.
- Revised TORs clarifying roles and new guidelines on communications, flow of work and actions needed
- After initial work on 7 of the 15 indicators requiring further development, agreed to seek external expertise to develop indicators 4.2.3, 4.3.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.2, 4.6.3, 4.b.2
5th Meeting, Mexico City, Mexico
- Considering necessary modifications, and discussing alternative methodologies to fill gaps in coverage, to ENDORSE methodological developments and APPROVE the list of indicators to be published in 2019.
- Advancing the discussion on potential new indicators, to APPROVE a preliminary list of these indicators to be included in the 2020 revision.
- Presenting and discussing the SDG data validation process, to ACHIEVE ENDORSEMENT of the process by the Member States.
- To DEVELOP recommendations on benchmarking processes.
- To AGREE on key messages to the international community about challenges and needs of Member States in producing SDG 4 indicators
6th Meeting, Yerevan, Armenia
7th TCG (virtual)
8th Meeting (virtual)