Household Surveys Working Group

This working group focuses on the development of SDG 4 indicators based on data derived from various types of surveys, including population censuses, national household surveys, cross-national household surveys (DHS, MICS), and labour force surveys. The group will highlight the opportunities that surveys offer for generating education statistics and will develop standards and guidelines for processing survey data.

Key issues

  • Non-harmonized survey instruments
  • Different referenceperiods
  • Quality and comparability of background information
  • Comparability issues with measuring literacy, knowledge and skills
  • Difficulty in collectingaccurate expenditure data (household education)
  • Availability and accessibility of survey data


  • Develop standards and guidelines for data processing
  • Develop:
  1. Standardized survey items to measure education indicators
  2. Standardized definitions and measures for factors such as household wealth, migration and disability
  • Facilitate the integration of recently developed data collection tools aligned with a more comprehensive concept of disability into large-scale surveys

Terms of Reference