During the 6th TCG and GAML meetings in Yerevan in Armenia in August 2019, members were presented with updates on the methodological developments of indicators since the previous meeting, and new approaches were also explained. Following the meeting, they were consulted more specifically on SDG 4 indicators’ definition, refinement and classifications, and setting benchmarks and reference points for some indicators.
The detailed outcomes of the meetings are available on the TCG and GAML websites and in Sixth Meeting of the Technical Cooperation Group on the Indicators for SDG 4 – Education 2030; Summary of decisions and TCG next steps.
Methodology Review
Results from the consultation indicated a general agreement to review the methodology of the following indicators:
4.1.1 | Minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics |
4.1.2 | Completion rate |
4.1.4 | Out-of-school rate |
4.3.1 | Participation in formal and non-formal education |
4.4.3 | Youth or adult attainment rate |
4.5.2 | First or home language of instruction |
4.5.3 | Explicit formula-based policies |
4.5.4 | Education expenditure per student |
4.6.1 | Achievement of fixed level of proficiency in literacy and numeracy |
4.7.1 | Global citizenship education and education for sustainable development |
4.7.4 | Adequate understanding of issues relating to global citizenship |
4.7.5 | Proficiency in knowledge of science and geoscience |
4.a.1(d) | Adapted infrastructure and materials for students with disability |
4.b.2 | Scholarship awarded |
4.c.1 | Teachers with minimum required qualifications |
4.c.3 | Teachers qualified according to national standards |
4.c.5 | Teachers salary |
4.c.7 | Teachers who received in-service training |
Indicator Benchmarking
There was consensus on the capacity to set benchmarks and the type of benchmarks to implement for the following indicators:
4.1.1 | Minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics |
4.1.2 | Completion rate |
4.1.4 | Out-of-school rate |
4.2.2 | Participation rate in organized learning one year before the official primary entry age |
4.5.4 | Education expenditure per student |
4.c.1 | Trained teachers |
The TCG recommends to not only adopt benchmarks for these indicators but also to define them if needed with different reference points at the global and regional levels.
The UIS will finalize technical documents on the reference levels for each the listed indicators, and will elaborate a proposal on equity as the one proposed by the Secretariat needs further development.
Benchmarking at the regional level
TCG members also suggested having benchmarks at the regional level for the following indicators:
4.1.4 | Out-of-school rate |
4.6.1 | Achievement of fixed level of proficiency in literacy and numeracy |
4.a.1 | School infrastructure |
4.c.7 | Teachers who received in-service training |