Education expenditure data Working Group

This working group focuses on education expenditure data. It will work on setting harmonization methods for the two education expenditure benchmark indicators. It will also work on developing and implementing guidelines to improve the collection of education expenditure data, with a particular focus on household expenditure data. The group will also look into ways to simplify the guidelines and expand the National Education Accounts methodology.

Key issues

  • Low coverage for some indicators (apart from total public expenditure)
  • Conflicting data sources for public expenditure
  • Measurement of private expenditure


  • Create a menu of harmonization methods of FFA and SDG 1.a.2 indicators
  • Simplify data collection instruments including prioritization
  • Develop and provide guidelines to national statistical offices on how to collect household expenditure on education
  • Simplify guidelines and expand the National Education Accounts methodology

Terms of Reference