
Measuring Sustainable Development Knowledge and Skills: Are we there yet?

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) presents a webinar on June 29 2020 to look closely at the two (out of five) thematic indicators approved for SDG 4.7 monitoring - 4.7.4 (global citizenship) and 4.7.5 (environmental science). In addition, we will review a new proposed indicator on breadth of skills.

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GAML Webinars

SDG 4.1.1 Measurement Tools - Applications in the Wake of COVID-19 (10 June 2020)

The UIS is organizing a webinar in 10 June 2020 to share details with GAML members on its progress in the past year in advancing the measurement for SDG 4 Indicator 4.1.1 (Proportion of children and young people: (a) in grades 2/3, (b) at the end of primary, and (c) in lower secondary achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in (i) reading and (ii) mathematics, by sex).

The webinar also aims to create global public goods to support countries as they seek to reach the goal of universal literacy and numeracy. Specifically, the UIS will share details of its progress on the creation, the piloting, and the use of the Global Proficiency Framework (GPF) and Policy Linking.

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