SDG4 Data Explorer
Navigate the SDG4 Data Explorer
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- By Indicator
- By Country
- In Long Format
- Country Profiles
- Regional Averages
Official List of SDG 4 Indicators (Latest update: September 2023)
Official List of of SDG 4 Indicators in the 6 UN Languages (Excel)
Data release 2024 – September
- Background document to 2024 September Data Release (English | French)
- Evaluation of UIS and ILO databases for the SDG indicator 4.4.3
- Calculation of education indicators based on household survey data: graphic summary and updates

Internationally comparable data on all levels of education for more than 200 countries and territories.
Bulk Data Download Service (BDDS)
The files downloaded through the BDDS are presented in *.csv format (comma separated values), which are designed to give power data users the ability to access all of the UIS data they need in a format that can easily be leveraged by most of today’s high capacity analytical tools.
Programmatic access to UIS data and metadata to allow developers and researchers to pull data directly from the source.
As of June 23rd, 2020 the UIS SDMX API has reached its End-of-Life (EOL) and is no longer up-to-date with the latest UIS datasets.