Partial School Closures Vizualizations

The dashboard and vizualizations on school closures display the percentage of students affected by school closures by adjusting the number of students in a country, considering the proportion of students not attending school at all in-person, in countries with the school status reported as "partially open". More information on school closure status is available in:

Definitions of schooling systems statuses

Each country is categorized in one of the following groups:
  • Closed due to COVID-19: Government-mandated closures of educational institutions affecting most or all of the student population.
  • Academic break: All instructional activities are suspended during this period.
  • Fully open: Schools are open and deliver classes exclusively face-to-face for most or all of the student population.
  • Partially open: various modalities co-exist where schools are: (a) open in certain regions ; and/or (b) open for some grades, levels, or age groups; and/or (c) open with reduced in-person class time, combined with distance learning (hybrid approach).

Partial School Closures Dashboard

This dashboard shows the evolution by country of students affected by school closures (partial or total) over time

Percentage of students affected by school closures

These visualizations show the evolution of students affected by school closures on a daily basis and on a monthly basis by different regional groupings


Explore the information on a daily basis

or on a monthly basis