The Global Initiative for Comparable Data By 2030, led by UIS and the World Bank, has been created to ensure that, by 2030, all countries’ student assessment systems can produce internationally comparable data on learning assessments in early primary and at the end of primary education. The Initiative will also aim to support evidence-based education policy, benchmarking of the learning poverty indicators, and reporting on SDG 4.1.1, with a focus on early primary and end of primary education. To achieve this, the Initiative will work with countries to support and take ownership of the activities develop by the Initiative over time. Thus, it will slowly include countries in the initiative, based on their needs. Eventually, all countries will be invited to join.
The goal is to raise $259M USD for direct financing to countries for capacity-building and to support the administration of tests; and for the financing for the development of global public goods, through the elaboration of global tools.
The Initiative’s approach is country-led and is based on national needs to leverage existing education assets and respect any existing aid currently in place. It is intended to be transparent on new and existing support from donors, countries and priorities; and to have an inclusive governance with countries, donors and experts represented and consulted. Lastly, the approach is designed to be lean, efficient and to have a transparent oversight and administration. It will coordinate and oversee existing funds and raise additional funds by working with Member States to support and take ownership of the activities development by the Initiative over time. Finally, the Initiative will allow policymakers to make better informed decisions to improve teaching and learning in their respective countries.